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Don Paco

Dude. Kind of a change of direction the The Flagrancy with this post, huh? I mean, what with the glaring absence of dick jokes and all.

The Blue Baller

I believe you mean dildo and tampon jokes.

Stay tuned.


Yes I have a biased response as Scott is a friend and I'm an Admin on Raptorblog.

I think you missed the spirit of Scott's blog.

You say correctly "The coach sets the play and from that point on it's up to the players to execute."

Scott is saying the "plays" Smitch writes up are suspect. Smitch should be looking at his plays, which is part of his coaching, and less at the players trying to run them.

You were dead on with the rest of your comments, but that was after you chose to rip on the missed point. IMHO.

PS...You have tampon jokes? Do share.


Fans have to realize that there is a coach on the other sideline as well. Should the opposing coach choose a defence that counters whatever play Mitchell sends in then it is up to the players on the court to read and react. Once again it comes down to the players making the right choices/plays at the right time.

I hte you

you are all losers


Yes, only real winners take the time to post a comment such as that. Thanks for showing us the way to popularity and success in life.

Me want Uno and Dos again. HA HA HA.

Scott Carefoot

I just found out about this. My only response is to kindly suggest that you purchase and then consume an economy-sized bag of dicks.

Seriously though, Sam changed his tone almost immediately after I wrote that and publicly accepted blame at least twice within a week of my blog post. While I would never be egotistical enough to admit that I think it might not be a coincidence... it's certainly interesting.

Let's just say that a large percentage of the Raptors org reads my site, including their head of PR and several of their players. Perhaps the message got back to Sam. Probably not, though. Anyway, back to my corporate cage.


Yes, a lot of the Raptors org and NBA players read RickBrunson.com and it didn't stop him from sucking.

I thought Sam was right to step-up and take the blame for the situation where Joey Graham screwed up that foul situation. If it is a communication issue then, Sam should take the blame because that's the core responsibility of his job. If a coach can't communicate effectively, he's not going to coach for long.

Assuming that Sam is being more accountable based on your post, do you actually believe him? Or is this just a PR move?

Scott Carefoot

B-Huge: It's hard to say what motivated Sam's change in tactics. I'm not a mind-reader. He's clearly not stupid. If he figured out (one way or another) that being more accountable will help his job situation, he's smart enough to know what he has to do.

Regardless, I don't have a hate-on for Sam or anything like that. I just don't see him as the coach of a championship team. If he gets a three-year extension after this season, I'll be discouraged.


When a coach has to be told to play certain players (more minutes to Andrea and start Jorge) and the team starts playing well, you really have to wonder about things more than just accountability. Check this out and you'll see more of why Sam Mitchell is a good assistant coach:



While I do not think that Sam is an elite coach I am encouraged by the fact that we can see Mitchell becoming a better coach as he gains experience. Throughout his 2.5 years at the helm he's changed his style and tactics. That already makes him a better coach than Don Nelson or Mike Fratello.


24% of Americans believe that the Internet is able for a time to replace them with a loved one. For obvious reasons, such sentiments particularly prevalent among residents of the United States alone. Both men and women can replace the beloved, beloved trips to the World Network. However, the willingness to such transactions vary among followers of different ideologies: conservatives frowned relate to this idea, and the "progressive-minded" on the contrary, Nerkarat it.

Study company Zogby International also showed that every fourth resident of the United States have their own representation in the web-site or internet-stranichka. Creating internet-dvoynikov most passionate about young people (18-24 years of age) - 78% of them have personal Web page. In doing so, 68% of those surveyed said that the World Wide Web, they do not appear in its original capacity, their virtual overnight seriously different from the real.

Only 11% of Americans would agree implantable microchip in his brain, which would provide them with direct contact with the Internet. But the situation is changing, in the case of children. Almost every fifth resident of the United States would agree to equip their child safety device which would allow him to track the movement in space on the Internet.

10% of U.S. stated that the Internet brings them to God. " In turn, 6% are convinced that because of the existence of the World Wide Web God away from them.

And how you feel? Sorry bad English.


Two new studies show why some people are more attractive for members of the opposite sex than others.

The University of Florida, Florida State University found that physically attractive people almost instantly attract the attention of the interlocutor, sobesednitsy with them, literally, it is difficult to make eye. This conclusion was reached by a series of psychological experiments, which were determined by the people who believe in sending the first seconds after the acquaintance. Here, a curious feature: single, unmarried experimental preferred to look at the guys, beauty opposite sex, and family, people most often by representatives of their sex.

The authors believe that this feature developed a behavior as a result of the evolution: a man trying to find a decent pair to acquire offspring. If this is resolved, he wondered potential rivals. Detailed information about this magazine will be published Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

In turn, a joint study of the Rockefeller University, Rockefeller University and Duke University, Duke University in North Carolina revealed that women are perceived differently by men smell. During experiments studied the perception of women one of the ingredients of male pheromone-androstenona smell, which is contained in urine or sweat.

The results were startling: women are part of this repugnant odor, and the other part is very attractive, resembling the smell of vanilla, and the third group have not felt any smell. The authors argue that the reason is that the differences in the receptor responsible for the olfactory system, from different people are different.

It has long been proven that mammals (including human) odor is one way of attracting the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. A detailed article about the journal Nature will publish.

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