No, not that kind of paraphernalia.
The Blue Baller may live in Amsterdam, but we have something else in store that is equally dangerous and mind-blowing. Starting this week, The Flagrancy will be creating various items to help Raptor fans cheer on the home side. Each of the 29 different items will be customized for a particular opposing team, and will be designed to give the Raps a true home court advantage. No longer will empty-handed fans heading into the ACC have to choose between a free MBNA Raptor toque, a half-priced JYD jersey, or a charcoal Tupac Shakur print to show their support. Now, The Flagrancy will supply you with what you need to effectively taunt the opposition. After all, why try to distract Eddie Griffin at the foul line by waving purple balloons, when you can flash a Hustler centerfold? His shorts will bunch, his knees will weaken, and his hands will drip with sweat—The Carjacker will be lucky to draw Canadian iron!
For a taste of what’s to come, check out past Raptorphernalia items for the Boston Celtics, Sacramento Kings, Washington Wizards, and the Raptors own Antonio Davis.
Raptorphernalia—guaranteed to qualify you for The 6th Man Award, or for a hefty NBA fine. Either way, you can’t lose!