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Just the facts and damn do they hurt. That game is the one reason I have a hate-on for Mitchell. And I'm not saying he doesn't have good qualities, but that game will burn forever, and I (and maybe it's just me) think it's Mitchell's fault. IMHO, he should have sent someone in to hack at him at 65. Does anyone know why he didn't?


obviously mitchell has a problem with substitutions near the end of close games. think about how many close games we had last year out of those 55 loses. he himself said that we were in around 20 of them. no adjustments in +20 games? errr..okay, about 1/3 of them could be attributed to mike james' ridiculous one-man show. but still.


Despite Mike James' ridiculous one-man show, Mitchell never pulled him during crunch time. And I believe 82games.com will testify to the fact that the Raptors were the worst close game team in the league last year and the 1-9 OT record begins to show it.

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