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LOL, would have been worse if we had drafted the looser. This list you're putting together should be forwarded to Stern as THE argument to have the NBA officially recognize long-time Raptor fans. For what is TBD...

one of your best, good work


who remembers the look on his face as he watched the ball in the air? i couldnt tell if he was desperate for the ball to go in, or if he had to take a shit. it was something in the way his forehead crinkled. maybe he had to take a shit but didn't wanna embarrass himself, so he pretended to be bad at math. oh, chris.


HAHAHA. i remember that game like it was yesterday ... wtf was that about?

TBD within 2 weeks

This is really a great work! One of your best!


ugg knightsbridge

Mathematics is a charming subject! It has attracted numerous heroes spend most of their lives for its energy! Just to unlock it

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